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 1. Green Day  Church On Sunday (live)  Pittsburgh '01  
 2. Greenday  Church on Sunday  Warning  
 3. Billy Murray  He goes to Church on Sunday  Edison Gold Moulded #9612, The Cylinder Archive [www.cylinder.de] 
 4. Billy Murray  He goes to church on Sunday  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9612 
 5. Qool DJ Marv  Sunshine On Your Face On a Sunday Afternoon- Live from the Cove Atlantis in the Bahamas - Qool DJ Marv LIVE! - November 2007  Qool DJ Marv Mixes 
 6. Dr. Edwin Lee  Vancouver Christ Church of China Mission Conference 2009 Sunday  Vancouver Christ Church of China 
 7. Washington National Cathedral  Special Sunday Forum on the 2009 General Convention of the Episcopal Church   
 8. Beirut  A Sunday Smile (Live)  Live de la Semaine  
 9. Otik  Sunday N Fever - live 30.9.07   
 10. Beirut  A Sunday Smile (Live)  SXSW  
 11. Fr. Benedict Groeschel with Archbishop Celestino Migliore  Sunday Night Live 05-17-09  Catholic Youth - Path to Peace 
 12. Fr. Benedict Groeschel with Christ Comes Again  Sunday Night Live 05-10-09  Christ Comes Again 
 13. Fr. Benedict Groeschel with Mother Dolores Hart, O.S.B.  Sunday Night Live 10-26-08  Contemplative Life in Our Time 
 14. Fr. Benedict Groeschel with Mother Agnes Donovan, SV  Sunday Night Live 05-03-09  What Kind of Devotion Should We Have for Christ 
 15. Fr. Benedict Groeschel with Fr. Robert Fox  Sunday Night Live 11-30-08  What the Church Most Needs Now 
 16. Bjork  Gloomy Sunday(Live)  walden's pond 
 17. Bjork  Gloomy Sunday(Live)  walden's pond 
 18. Basement Jaxx  Live @ We Love Sunday Ibiza  2004-01-02 
 19. DJ Keith Johnson  S & M Live Sunday Tea Parties v14 - 09.09.2007   
 20. DJ  Otik Sunday Night Fever live   
 21. Patrick DSP  Live @ Church Toronto - April 18 2009   
 22. Crafty Apples  Crafty Apples Live at Old First Church on 10-5-2007  Crafty Apples Live at Old First Church on 10-5-2007 
 23. Crafty Apples  Crafty Apples Live at Old First Church on 10-5-2007  Crafty Apples Live at Old First Church on 10-5-2007 
 24. Church of the Cross  Church of the Cross - To Live is Christ - Mark Booker  Philippians 
 25. DJextreme  Live Jungletrain.net Sunday 11th June 2006 [12.00-13.00pm]  Hardscore Rolldabeats Show EXT012 
 26. Roger Taylor  Sunday Live with Adam Boulton: Roger Taylor Interview 021207  Roger Taylor 
 27. The Rev. Alan Jones  Sermon from Sunday Choral Eucharist - The Eleveth Sunday After Pentecost  Grace Cathedral Episcopal Church, San Francisco 
 28. The Rev. Alan Jones  Sermon from Sunday Choral Eucharist - The Twelth Sunday After Pentecost  Grace Cathedral Episcopal Church, San Francisco 
 29. Three Holies Church Choristers  Three Holies Church Choristers - The Hymns of the Ancient Church - [complete Magnatune album]  The Hymns of the Ancient Church 
 30. Don A. Elbourne Jr.  Responsible Church Membership - Homecoming 2008 - Lakeshore Baptist Church  Lakeshore Baptist Church 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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